Listen by Tabatha Rutherford

As I started my morning, the usual Singing my little tune to Jesus as I go get our coffee, I hurried along back to my spot where I find Gracie already curled up waiting for me and the pupaccino. I began chatting it up, I’m very talkative in the morning by the way, my husband is thankful Jesus is willing to listen 😂! As I continued my morning I kept getting the word “ Listen.” I continued on reading and then the rest came to. “ Listening without love is an empty sound.”

Before you head out today ask God to give you ears to truly listen. When you are out today as you interact with people or perhaps a family member today, as they talk give your undivided attention to them. This world is already full of self thinking, do this and that and “Pretending” to listen, no wonder many feel lonely. Yes we have God to always turn to, but do you realize WE are to be like Christ in this world to others? To show them who He is? Also, I know many of you as well as me have been in that situation where you and I need a human to just talk to. Even if it’s just a casual conversation. Do you realize what a good old conversation can do for someones day?!?! Be a good human! Brighten someone’s light that is dimming today and remember those words “ LISTENING WITHOUT LOVE IS AN EMPTY SOUND!”

And over all these virtues put on love, which binds them all together in perfect unity. Colossians 3:14