BLOG – How Deep Is Your Love by Robin Killeen

He loves me, he loves me not is a game we used to play in elementary school. It was a game of French origin, where we thought was the way to decide whether someone we liked returned that affection. We would alternately say the phrases “He loves me, He loves me not, while picking one petal off a flower for each phrase. The phrase we would speak while picking off the last petal supposedly represented the truth between them loving us or not.
I am so thankful that this game is not a true measurement of real Love. 1 John 3:18 says, my dear children, let us not just talk about love; let us practice real love in actions and in truth.
God Is Love! Christ’s love for His people is a deep, unfailing and eternal love, with this same love we are to love one another.
John 13:34 says, a new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you. John also tells us showing love is not merely talking about it but walking it out in our deeds. Love is a commandment from God and a characteristic of a child of God. How deep is your love?
I love this quote by Clarence Jordan, the measure of a Christian is not in the height of his or her grasp but in the depth of his or her love. We need to realize the depth of love Christ has for us. God dwells deep and wide within us, and his love becomes complete in us — His perfect love! Our love is imperfect, fragile and flawed and yet, God loves us deeply and unconditionally. God works through us despite our weaknesses. Many times, our limited ability to love goes beyond human limitations. As we allow God to work through us, we can give our all, love, share, sacrifice and stand for truth beyond our limitations.
We are God’s handiwork and the ability to love is part of what it means to be created in the image of God. Real love, deeply rooted and grounded in Him. God’s love never fails, it is infinite. A well that never runs dry.
So, how deep is your love? If you are drawing from the reservoir of God’s love in you, it is endless!
Let us give freely and live a life punctuated by LOVE!