Is there room for Jesus? by Robin Killeen

In the fall of 1775, the manager of Baltimore’s largest hotel refused lodging to a man dressed as a farmer. He thought the man’s lowly appearance would discredit his Inn.  The man left and found a room in another place. Shortly thereafter, the manager discovered the man he had refused lodging was none other than Thomas Jefferson, then Vice President of the United States. Immediately he sent a note to Jefferson and invited him to return as his guest. Jefferson replied by instructing his messenger: “Tell him I have already engaged a room. I value his good intentions highly, but if he has no place for a dirty American farmer, he has none for the Vice President of the United States.”   In much the same way, when the Lord Jesus came into this world, there was no room at the inn, it was full.  After more than 2,000 years There are still “No Vacancies” signs displayed in many hearts and homes…There is no room in the INN, no room for Jesus.

Today the Christmas season is so filled with rushing and hurrying. Making preparations for family gatherings; cooking; baking; extra meals, events and parties to attend, buying last minute gifts and if time allows, squeezing in a Christmas Eve service.  We are bombarded with advertisements everywhere we turn, SHOP TILL WE DROP, Black Friday, Cyber Monday… We seemed to be more focused on getting the perfect gift, as a representation of how much we are loved, than we are on the giver.  The Media implies that Love is demonstrated by the quality and/or quantity of gifts.  If our to-do list is filled with so many activities that there is little time to reflect on God’s precious gift to the world, then we have missed the TRUE, THE ONLY reason for the season.

Christmas is the season of giving. (Isaiah 9:6) As I am consumed by the love of God, I, in turn, am free to love others and give myself to them relationally. This is what giving is all about. To love is to give, not products, but ourselves. God is our example. (Romans 5:8) 


  1. Include a nativity scene indoors or outdoors
  2. Say Merry Christmas when others say happy holidays (always be nice & respectful)
  3. Send out Christ-based Christmas cards
  4. Hold a birthday party before your kids open presents- have a birthday cake for JESUS 
  5. If you are in a store and you hear their employees saying Merry Christmas, inform their manager or corporate headquarters thanking them for keeping Christ in Christmas.
  6. Worship together, Invite your friends and neighbors that do not have a Church home to a Christmas service
  7. Play Christmas music that has the message of JESUS, the reason for the season
  8. Spread the Message; Organize a group of friends and go Christmas caroling
  9. Start new traditions, Instead of searching for a gift that says ‘I love you’, Just say it by spending time, Make homemade gifts or cards.
  10. Celebrate Christmas by Adopting a Family, Grandparent or Organization in need
  11. Reflect on God’s unfailing love and the gift of his son
  12. Share the story of the birth of JESUS!

There is so much to enjoy in December (well actually everyday of the year), Let us focus on the REAL REASON FOR THIS SEASON. Let us make room in the inn, make room for JESUS….Make room for those things that really matter — GOD, family and friends…