WOW BLOG The Art of Letting Go by Robin Killeen

The art of letting go is not a one and done activity. It is not something we can check off our bucket list or goals, this is a life-long practice. Letting go of what, you might ask? Well, simply everything. Our plans, our children, concerns, details, the future, the past, you name it, and we need to relinquish it!

Why do we try to hold on? What are we afraid of? We think our control keeps us safe, but it keeps us bound.

So, what can we learn from scripture about surrendering our control?

In Philippians 2:5-11, it says that Jesus relinquished his position and power to become a man, in order for God’s purpose of redemption to be fulfilled.

Abraham had to let go of his son Isaac and the promises associated with him when God asked him to sacrifice Isaac on the mountain. (Genesis 22:1-18)

Joseph needed to relinquish the feelings toward his brothers and trust God to use him in-spite of all that happened against him. (Genesis 37, 39, and Genesis 50:17-21)

In each of these examples, surrender brought victory along with a clearer understanding of who God is and his ability to do what he says he will do.

Letting go of control may seem like jumping off a cliff into the unknown. But really it is allowing God to catch us, knowing He will not fail us.  Jeremiah 29:11 says, For I know the plans I have for you, declare the LORD, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future. 

I don’t know about you but just when I think I am getting pretty good at letting go, another test comes along to prove that I need God’s help again.  I have come to realize there is no effortless way to grasp this life-long lesson. It is something that God teaches each of us one step at a time. The more we trust him for the everyday things we face, the easier it becomes to place things in his care.

The truth is, our letting go allows God to hold us, to heal us, and to transform us. To live a life with peace, joy, and freedom, the key is to learn the art of letting go. Letting go is a skill that takes practice.

Let go and Let GOD!