BLOG Tailor-Made by Robin Killeen

Tailor-Made by Robin Killeen

According to Merriam-Webster dictionary the definition of Tailor-made is something made or fitted especially to a particular use or purpose; made by a tailor, with a tailor’s care and style. 

Have you ever had anything tailor-made?  When you have something tailor-made you truly have a one-of-a-kind design especially for you.  The tailor makes sure you are fitted properly and perfectly according to a pattern or design. 

The first known use of a tailor was in 1832. 

Perhaps we could we say that GOD was the very first tailor, the divine tailor.  He created and designed you and me with such loving care.  He created us as a masterpiece, unique and one-of-a-kind design! 

In the book of Psalms in chapter 139 verse 13 says; You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body and knit them together in my mother’s womb. Psalms 139:14-16 says; I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. You were there while I was being formed in absolute seclusion!  You saw me before I was born and scheduled each day of my life before I began to breathe.

So, it’s important that we embrace and know we were designed by the divine tailor with a unique and extraordinary purpose in mind.  There is not another person on this earth with the same genes, DNA, and chromosomes.  No one else can fulfill that purpose for which you were created for!  You are a pattern that God will never use again.  In all the time to come, there will never be another you. 

You are not the labels others have spoken over you or possibly even those things you have spoken about yourself. The labels you now choose should reflect the divine tailor who designed and created you.  

God has a tailor-made plan just for you, your gifts, your talents and your personality. God has put all the parts of your life in order. This means you don’t have to strive to be like someone else. Be satisfied with the unique person God designed you to be.

As we spend time with God, He reveals his plan for our flourishing, then he equips us to pursue it through his Holy Spirit, who empowers us.

My sisters, you have been tailor-made by Almighty God.  You are one-of-a-kind, a special creation of God and His work is marvelous!