Is there room in the Inn? by Robin Killeen

And she gave birth to her first-born Son and wrapped Him in swaddling clothes and laid Him in a manger because there was no place for them in the inn. (Luke2:7)

No room in the Inn?  What?  Do you think it’s possible that the innkeeper didn’t know the baby about to be born was the Son of God? Or perhaps the Innkeeper was just too busy that he didn’t have the time to deal with this.  If the Innkeeper only knew that his little inn would serve such a big part in the story of birth of Christ, just maybe he would have found some way to make room?  Perhaps it is the story of missed opportunity that caused Jesus to be laid in a manger instead of a crib.

Today, Christmas has become so commercialized, people rushing around trying to be at this house for lunch and this one for dinner. Or searching high and low for that perfect gift for someone, when back in that stable on the very first Christmas we were given THE PERFECT FIT, the gift of JESUS.   

It may be difficult to believe, but rather than drawing us closer to God, sometimes Christmas actually can be a huge distraction that draws us away from the real reason for the season, Christ Birth!

Could it be that we have become to busy or overly involved that we have forgotten to make room for JESUS, not just during Christmas but all year around?  After all Christmas is really not about Santa, Frosty or Rudolph or presents under the tree…BUT it is about The Perfect Gift, HIS Presence in our lives.

Did you know that we are Innkeepers?  We decide if there is enough room in our hearts for JESUS. Do we turn Him away, saying there is no room at the inn, that all the rooms have been filled with other “things?” Just like hotels upgrade rooms for special guests, let us consider giving an upgrade in our hearts to Christ, the most special guest of all.

Let us make room in our hearts and lives for JESUS, not just at Christmas but every day!   

Merry Christmas and Happy Birthday JESUS!