Carbon Copies

By Pastor DeBo’rah Drayton-Ward

“Therefore I urge you to imitate me.”  – 1 Cor 4:16

“But if serving the Lord seems undesirable to you, then choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve, whether the gods your ancestors served beyond the Euphrates, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you are living. But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord.”  – Joshua 24:15

Do you remember carbon copy paper? If you do, you’ll likely recall that carbon paper was sometimes barely legible. Any mistakes were very obvious, and it was pretty fragile to handle. Every human (male and female) was created in God’s image, and yet no two humans have completely identical DNA (even identical twins). Looking into a mirror, remind yourself that you are the reflection of your Creator (This isn’t referring to ours moms and dads). God created Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. Therefore, wherever you are placed is where God wants you to be His image bearer. In your God-given placed assignment, you are not commanded to copy other men or women, you are to live according to the life-pattern of Jesus Christ (1 Cor 4:16).

What you feed and take care of will live and grow. What you starve and ignore will die and not reproduce. Each and every day, we decide to choose either the ways of our Father or what our enemy subtly suggests (Jos 24:15). Since the birth of my granddaughter, my bonus grandson (her older brother) always says while waving his arms and hands over his head “What about me? What about me?” God does not want to compete for our attention. God wants mankind to choose Him, and He gave us the power to choose! This is not how the world chooses – the world will read us when they won’t read the Bible. Based on the written Word of God, strive to become a carbon copy of Christ.

What do you give more power to, God’s nature or man’s nature?

Can you imagine that when our Father was creating you He was creating a form for His Son Jesus to walk this earth?