Divine Reset

By Robin Killeen

The past few months have been some of the most unusual times we have ever experienced. I have heard so many people asking questions such as; Did you ever think our schools would be completely shut down? Did you ever think we would see our retail stores shelves empty? Did you ever imagine the entire world would be stopped in its tracks? Will we ever get back to normal?

For the first 2 weeks of the COVID-19 pandemic, I was trying to make sense of it all and grasp for some type of normalcy. Nothing made sense and frankly it still doesn’t. We have been separated and quarantined from the normal routines of life, from our friends and families and It has been uncomfortable and strange, to say the least.

I asked GOD, how can something unseen cause so much havoc and chaos in our world? What I kept getting during my prayer time, was HE is doing a ‘Divine Reset’!

A reset takes us back to the original intent or meaning of something.

What if God is resetting our priorities, the way we conduct business, ministries, and governments. Without a divine reset, we enter the next season doing things like we have always done them. Just maybe, HE is slowing down our pace of life so we acknowledge that our time, our energy, our possessions and all that we are come from and belong to him.

We might feel like the Israelites did while camping out at the foot of the mountain while GOD instructed Moses. After 40 days of waiting, they became frustrated, tired of being shut-down and began to pursue whatever gave them instant gratification. Waiting can expose what we truly value and a divine reset can help us get our priorities back in proper order.

Romans 8:28 says; And we know that in all things GOD causes everything to work together for the good of those who love him and are called according to His purpose.

John 15 says; “I am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener. He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit, while every branch that does bear fruit, he prunes so that it will be even more fruitful.

What have you have learned during this pandemic?

Get Ready seasons always change! Gods ‘Divine Reset’ can retune the course of our lives toward something new and previously unimagined! We will all get through this together and become even more fruitful!

God Bless You!