Promised Land

By Tesia Nagorka

“Yes, He humbled you by letting you go hungry and then feeding you with manna, a food previously unknown to you and your ancestors. He did it to teach you that people do not live by bread alone; rather, we live by every word that comes from the mouth of the Lord.” – Deuteronomy 8:3

At first glance, this scripture makes me think of God teaching us to rely on Him for provision. Which is 100% true. He showed that provision comes from Him, and that He has the power and love to take care of you.

But then I read it again and notice that the lesson specifically said ‘to teach you that we live by every word that comes form the mouth of the Lord.’ But we’re talking about actual food. The people had to actually eat when in the desert and God fed them actual food. So how on earth does this teach about the word?!

The answer is found in what word He gave them last, before they found themselves in the situation of having nothing to eat. He told them He was bringing them into the Promised Land. It was even named “Promised” Land (hello?!?).

So, if He told them they were going there, then it would happen. Nothing would stop it – not even hunger. If God told them they were going somewhere, even if there was absolutely nothing to eat food would rain down from heaven to fulfill God’s promise. If God said we’re going somewhere or if He promises something, then it will happen. God’s promises don’t depend on anything that could happen in the world, they don’t even depend on you. The world, and you, depend on God. Period.

Jesus knew this. When temptation came through hunger in the wilderness, He knew He wouldn’t die of it. And He knew he didn’t have panic and make it happen for himself. He knew God had a specific purpose for Him and that it would be completed. This hunger was nothing. God would sort that out. He just had to trust Him.

So when you’re in a trial or in need, ask yourself what God has promised you. What does His word say? Remember, God’s promise does not depend on where you are now. Is something as small as bread weakening your faith? He’ll even rain down food from heaven to get you to the Promised Land. Just trust Him. Remember, it’s never just about the trial. When provision comes (and it will come) those things are wonderful because it nourishes you and sustains you. But don’t forget the real lesson: it’s purpose is always to confirm God’s word that has already been spoken.